Art school confidential (Paperback)

Art school confidential (Paperback)

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Like the 2002 Ghost World: a Screenplay, Art School Confidential will serve as a companion to the MGM motion picture due to be released in September 2005. The film is directed by Terri Zwigofff (Ghost World, Bad Santa), is based on the Eightball comic strip and written by Daniel Clowes. It stars Max Minghella, John Malkovich and Angelica Huston. This book collects the complete scree…
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Like the 2002 Ghost World: a Screenplay, Art School Confidential will serve as a companion to the MGM motion picture due to be released in September 2005. The film is directed by Terri Zwigofff (Ghost World, Bad Santa), is based on the Eightball comic strip and written by Daniel Clowes. It stars Max Minghella, John Malkovich and Angelica Huston. This book collects the complete screenplay with several scenes edited out of the film, behind-the-scenes photos, two 8-page colour sections, tons of production ephemera, annotations by Clowes and many more surprises.