Army Painter Paint Metallics: Air Evil Chrome

Army Painter Paint Metallics: Air Evil Chrome

RRP: £16.79
Now £14.51(SAVE 13%)
RRP £16.79
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All Warpaints Air are pre-mixed and airbrush-ready right out of the bottle and made from ultra-filtered vibrant pigment. The Warpaints Air range has been developed in a unique and innovative Triad System – each matching Warpaints Acrylics colour has a corresponding Base and Highlight colour.
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Category Tag SKU ZPG-ARMA1491 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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All Warpaints Air are pre-mixed and airbrush-ready right out of the bottle and made from ultra-filtered vibrant pigment. The Warpaints Air range has been developed in a unique and innovative Triad System - each matching Warpaints Acrylics colour has a corresponding Base and Highlight colour.