Arkeis: Lurking Under the Sand Expansion

Arkeis: Lurking Under the Sand Expansion

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Arkeis is a narrative and cooperative game with miniatures. In it, players explore ancient Egyptian ruins and try to uncover the secrets of a forgotten civilization. "The Threat Beneath" is an expansion, which means you must own the base game to play this new adventure. You're being hunted! Explore ruins buried under the burning desert sand and try to escape the relentless S…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ANK302 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Arkeis is a narrative and cooperative game with miniatures. In it, players explore ancient Egyptian ruins and try to uncover the secrets of a forgotten civilization.

"The Threat Beneath" is an expansion, which means you must own the base game to play this new adventure.

You're being hunted! Explore ruins buried under the burning desert sand and try to escape the relentless Sandworm. This giant creature devours everything in its path! It will take bravery and clever thinking to survive and defeat it…

The game contains:

1 Sandworm miniature
46 scenario cards
1 Adversary profile
7 neutral Search tokens
4 Trap tokens
1 expedition logbook
1 camp upgrade