Are You the Traitor?

Are You the Traitor?

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It’s the moment of truth in your quest to destroy the Evil magic Key. Your band of adventurers faces two Wizards: an Evil Wizard who wants to use the key to unlock evil powers, and the Good Wizard who has the ability to destroy it. The problem is, the Evil Wizard has disguised himself to look exactly like the Good Wizard, so who do you give the Key to? Choose quickly: one of y…
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It's the moment of truth in your quest to destroy the Evil magic Key. Your band of adventurers faces two Wizards: an Evil Wizard who wants to use the key to unlock evil powers, and the Good Wizard who has the ability to destroy it. The problem is, the Evil Wizard has disguised himself to look exactly like the Good Wizard, so who do you give the Key to? Choose quickly: one of your trusted Guards is secretly a Traitor - and next round that Traitor might be you!