Arcanis 5E: The Codex of the Mind

Arcanis 5E: The Codex of the Mind

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Of the four sources of magic found upon Arcanis, psionics is available to a chosen few. Among the humans, only the val can tap into the power of the mind as a blessing of their divine heritage. Each of the val families explored their psychic abilities, pushing their limits in new and strange ways, and creating diverse applications. From the cerebral mastery of the psions, the martia…
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Of the four sources of magic found upon Arcanis, psionics is available to a chosen few. Among the humans, only the val can tap into the power of the mind as a blessing of their divine heritage. Each of the val families explored their psychic abilities, pushing their limits in new and strange ways, and creating diverse applications. From the cerebral mastery of the psions, the martially inclined psi-warriors, or those who are spontaneously Awakened, each has crafted traditions and regimes molded to fit their distinctive natures.