Lord of the Rings LCG: The Antlered Crown Adventure Pack

Lord of the Rings LCG: The Antlered Crown Adventure Pack

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“There are many that cry in the Dunland tongue,” said Gamling. “I know that tongue. It is an ancient speech of men, and once was spoken in many valleys of the Mark. Hark! They hate us, and they are glad; for our doom seems certain to them.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers. War has come to Dunland! The Antlered Crown is the sixth and final Adventure Pack in The Ring-maker …
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The Lord of the Rings (LotR), the Card Game is a cooperative, Living Card Game (LCG) published by Fantasy Flight Games. One - two players (or up to four, with two core sets) take control of powerful characters and artifacts. Players will gather allies and coordinate efforts to take on the biggest threats to Middle-earth.

The Antlered Crown is the last of six adventure packs, each providing a structured scenario to play though. Collectively, the six scenarios form The Ring-Maker Cycle - An extended adventure that takes place after the events that unfolded in The Voice of Isengard Deluxe expansion. This adventure will provide strong thematic ties to Saruman and the White Council.

Note: This product is not a standalone adventure. Players will need a copies of The LotR card game: Core set and The Voice of Isengard expansion in order to play.

In The Antlered Crown scenario, the heroes will complete the Ring-Maker adventure. The heroes have successfully located Celebrimbors forge and secured the secrets it held. Having evaded the Orcs close at hand, the heroes journey back to complete the service to Saruman and the White Council. The path will once again lead through Dunland, and signs point to war amongst the tribes. There may be no other choice than to fight the war for one side or the other - unless the heroes can find another route that would leave them unhindered and unscathed.

The Antlered Crown is played with an encounter deck formed of encounter sets: The Antlered Crown, Dunlending Warriors, and Dunlending Raiders. The latter two sets are found in The Voice of Isengard expansion.

In this 60 card adventure pack you will find a powerful new Rohirrm hero for the Leadership sphere - and cards that support the Rohan trait.

Player Count: 1 - 4
Time: Depending on format 30 - 90 minutes
Age: 14+