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The key to immortality: When the female pharaoh holds court in the dark chamber, even the toughest mummies become unhinged. The petulant ruler distributes her favor and, at the same time, also the prospect of new life energy. But even if you’ve just been highly esteemed by the old Egyptian monarch in Ankh, you might fall into disgrace in the next moment. Players 2-5 Playing ti…
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The key to immortality: When the female pharaoh holds court in the dark chamber, even the toughest mummies become unhinged. The petulant ruler distributes her favor and, at the same time, also the prospect of new life energy. But even if you've just been highly esteemed by the old Egyptian monarch in Ankh, you might fall into disgrace in the next moment. Players 2-5 Playing time 30 mins Ages 8