Anime 5E Collectors Edition

Anime 5E Collectors Edition

RRP: $88.99
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Dedicated anime gamers and Fifth Edition role-playing aficionados won’t want to miss out on this stunning version of the game: the Anime 5E Limited Edition Core RPG. The Anime 5E logo is stamped in silver foil onto a rich black leatherette cover, the pages are accented with silver gilded edges, and the binding is enhanced with a handy bookmark ribbon to keep your place while p…
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Dedicated anime gamers and Fifth Edition role-playing aficionados won't want to miss out on this stunning version of the game: the Anime 5E Limited Edition Core RPG. The Anime 5E logo is stamped in silver foil onto a rich black leatherette cover, the pages are accented with silver gilded edges, and the binding is enhanced with a handy bookmark ribbon to keep your place while playing. Otherwise, the interior contents are the same as the regular Anime 5E edition.