Angel: Strange Bedfellows and Other Stories (Paperback)

Angel: Strange Bedfellows and Other Stories (Paperback)

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A vampire brothel…Cordelia alone and in trouble…and a death in the ‘family’ – Angel’s back, and as usual, he’s got trouble following right behind him! In this thrilling new collection, Angel tackles a vicious wife-beater whose wife isn’t all she seems, and a gang of vampire hookers who threaten to push his self-control to its very limi…
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A vampire brothel...Cordelia alone and in trouble...and a death in the 'family' - Angel's back, and as usual, he's got trouble following right behind him! In this thrilling new collection, Angel tackles a vicious wife-beater whose wife isn't all she seems, and a gang of vampire hookers who threaten to push his self-control to its very limits, while his relationship with Kate Lockley, L.A. homicide detective, grows ever more complex - meanwhile, Cordelia and her room-mate, the ghostly Dennis, tackle a terrifying intruder!