Andromeda's Edge

Andromeda’s Edge

RRP: £70.00
Now £54.89(SAVE 21%)
RRP £70.00
Expected Release Date 01/11/2024
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Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life beyond the oppressive reach of the Lords of Unity. In Andromeda’s E…
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Behold, Andromeda’s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life beyond the oppressive reach of the Lords of Unity.

In Andromeda’s Edge, you lead a desperate faction seeking to build a new civilization. You begin with only a space station, a few ships, and a handful of resources. Gather resources, claim moons, acquire modules, populate planets and build developments. You will battle opponents and compete with others to ascend the progress tracks: Science, Industry, Commerce, Civilization and Supremacy. Advancement on these tracks is rewarded both during mid-game events and at the conclusion, and is the key to victory