Andromeda Stories Vol.2 (Paperback)

Andromeda Stories Vol.2 (Paperback)

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Machines have infiltrated the peaceful Cosmorian Empire and assumed the identities of Emperor Itaka and several key officials. When royal twins are born to the Empress Lilia, one is covertly spirited away from the mother in defiance of an ancient code that forbids two surviving heirs. As the planet becomes consumed by the machines, the only hope lies in the valiant Prince Jimsa and …
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Machines have infiltrated the peaceful Cosmorian Empire and assumed the identities of Emperor Itaka and several key officials. When royal twins are born to the Empress Lilia, one is covertly spirited away from the mother in defiance of an ancient code that forbids two surviving heirs. As the planet becomes consumed by the machines, the only hope lies in the valiant Prince Jimsa and Affle, who was raised by a prostitute, unaware of her royal origins.