Alpha Centauri (Paperback)

Alpha Centauri (Paperback)

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Based on the best-selling computer game, this is a story-rich, fascinating world filled with the tension of geo-political forces in confrontation. For thsoe who play the game, here is the chanve to get on Planet and witness it on a flesh and bone level. Earth has self destructed. Only one ship escapes with a selection of people from around the world to colonize a new planet. Upon th…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781561632428 Availability Backorder
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Based on the best-selling computer game, this is a story-rich, fascinating world filled with the tension of geo-political forces in confrontation. For thsoe who play the game, here is the chanve to get on Planet and witness it on a flesh and bone level. Earth has self destructed. Only one ship escapes with a selection of people from around the world to colonize a new planet. Upon their arrival, the captain is mysteriously murdered and the colonizers disperse, forming factions, each with distinct philosophies on how to prosper in their new home.