Alone Vol. 12: The Rebels of Neosalem

Alone Vol. 12: The Rebels of Neosalem

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The time has come for war councils, as the elders of the First Families prepare the coming campaign against their enemies of the Last Families. They’re still unsure about the leader they’ve chosen, though – Saul. In response, the latter continues to slide deeper into authoritarianism, and orders that the trials for switching families now be fought to the death. A c…
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The time has come for war councils, as the elders of the First Families prepare the coming campaign against their enemies of the Last Families. They're still unsure about the leader they've chosen, though - Saul. In response, the latter continues to slide deeper into authoritarianism, and orders that the trials for switching families now be fought to the death. A cruel move that will only stoke the growing rebellion in Neosalem's population - one that Leila will spearhead...