Aimee Stewart: Everything for the Garden (1000pc)

Aimee Stewart: Everything for the Garden (1000pc)

RRP: £14.49
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RRP £14.49
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Aimee Stewart is a self-taught artist specializing in colour-intensive digital painting and photomanipulation. In art circles, Stewart is also called "the cartographer of the imagination" or the "master of the daydreams". Aimee's artistic work is inspired by music and literature. She is passionate about creating new, fairytale-like and surreal works that can be described as high-fa…
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Aimee Stewart is a self-taught artist specializing in colour-intensive digital painting and
photomanipulation. In art circles, Stewart is also called "the cartographer of the imagination" or the "master of the daydreams". Aimee's artistic work is inspired by music and literature. She is passionate about creating new, fairytale-like and surreal works that can be described as high-fantasy, and with which she has made a name for herself among the most popular modern artists in the field of puzzle games.