Age Of Sigmar: Skaventide - Paperback

Age Of Sigmar: Skaventide – Paperback

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Expected Release Date 01/02/2025
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The Vermindoom has torn a huge portion of the Great Parch asunder, and now only the Stormcast Eternals of the Ruination Chamber stand between the perfidious Skaven hordes and their total domination of Aqshy. Both sides are racing to secure a lost Stormcast Eternal who holds forbidden knowledge that will guarantee their victory, and secure the fate of the realm. Skaventide by Gary Kl…
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The Vermindoom has torn a huge portion of the Great Parch asunder, and now only the Stormcast Eternals of the Ruination Chamber stand between the perfidious Skaven hordes and their total domination of Aqshy. Both sides are racing to secure a lost Stormcast Eternal who holds forbidden knowledge that will guarantee their victory, and secure the fate of the realm. Skaventide by Gary Kloster is available to pre-order next week in paperback.

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The Vermindoom has torn a huge portion of the Great Parch asunder, and now only the Stormcast Eternals of the Ruination Chamber stand between the perfidious Skaven hordes and their total domination of Aqshy. Both sides are racing to secure a lost Stormcast Eternal who holds forbidden knowledge that will guarantee their victory, and secure the fate of the realm. Skaventide by Gary Kloster is available to pre-order next week in paperback.


The Vermindoom has torn a huge portion of the Great Parch asunder, and now only the Stormcast Eternals of the Ruination Chamber stand between the perfidious Skaven hordes and their total domination of Aqshy. Both sides are racing to secure a lost Stormcast Eternal who holds forbidden knowledge that will guarantee their victory, and secure the fate of the realm. Skaventide by Gary Kloster is available to pre-order next week in paperback.