Adventures In The Cypher System

Adventures In The Cypher System

RRP: 42.49
Now €44.05(SAVE 13%)
RRP €50.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Showcasing the Cypher System’s elegant handling of different genres and styles, this hardcover anthology serves up an exciting variety of adventures. Science fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, superheroes, horror, and more—it’s all covered here, giving you a wide range of options and moods. Many of the adventures take you into fan-favorite Cypher System settings, such as Predatio…
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Showcasing the Cypher System’s elegant handling of different genres and styles, this hardcover anthology serves up an exciting variety of adventures. Science fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, superheroes, horror, and more—it’s all covered here, giving you a wide range of options and moods.

Many of the adventures take you into fan-favorite Cypher System settings, such as Predation, The Strange, and Numenera. They’re easily integrated into an ongoing campaign but also make great one-shots—you don’t need anything other than this book, and the Cypher System Rulebook, to fully enjoy their atmosphere, mysteries, exciting encounters, and amazing storylines.