Adventure Time: The Roleplaying Game

Adventure Time: The Roleplaying Game

RRP: £150.00
Now £149.99
RRP £150.00
Expected Release Date 15/03/2025
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ADVENTURE TIME: The Roleplaying Game is a tabletop RPG that lets you and your friends create your own heroic adventures in the Land of Ooo! Built as a fifth edition (5E) compatible game, it uses the d20 system and allows you to use the core D&D roleplaying game classes to stage heroic quests, hilarious encounters, and emotional journeys with the citizens of Ooo. Whether you pla…
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ADVENTURE TIME: The Roleplaying Game is a tabletop RPG that lets you and your friends create your own heroic adventures in the Land of Ooo! Built as a fifth edition (5E) compatible game, it uses the d20 system and allows you to use the core D&D roleplaying game classes to stage heroic quests, hilarious encounters, and emotional journeys with the citizens of Ooo. Whether you play as a robot stitched together from ancient machinery, a candy person, or a strange Elemental from Lumpy Space, your heroes will face dangerous Monsters, unexpected Twists, and collect sweet Dosh that does cool stuff.

Never played an RPG before? Don't worry! The game gives you all the information and tools you need to get started within minutes. As a tabletop roleplaying game, all you need is a table, dice, some paper, and the book to begin creating and staging your own adventures almost immediately. Adventure Time: The Roleplaying Game includes extra tools and guidance to help you always have an answer as to what happens next.

The game offers new mechanics to bring out the Ooo in your adventure, including the "STORY" character origin mechanic, new exploding dice mechanics, and a specialized set of Adventure Twists that add insanity and player creativity to regular play sessions. The game features unique sub-classes that transform the traditional RPG classes into proper Heroes and Wizards of Ooo, and an adventure arc that will carry you through the dark underbelly of the Candy Kingdom.