Adeptus Titanicus Acastus Knights Porphyrion

Adeptus Titanicus Acastus Knights Porphyrion

RRP: £35.00
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RRP £35.00
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Acastus Knights rival even the Scout Titans of the Collegia Titanica in both size and power. Heavily armed and armoured, they stride across the battlefield unleashing devastating volleys from their paired magna lascannons. This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 2 Acastus Knights for use in games of Adeptus Titanicus. Each of these machines is armed …
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Acastus Knights rival even the Scout Titans of the Collegia Titanica in both size and power. Heavily armed and armoured, they stride across the battlefield unleashing devastating volleys from their paired magna lascannons.

This multipart plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 2 Acastus Knights for use in games of Adeptus Titanicus. Each of these machines is armed with a a pair of magna lascannon, and a choice of Ironstorm missile pods and Karacnos mortar batteries. These are highly detailed Adeptus Titanicus-scaled miniatures are every bit as impressive to behold as their larger brethren – details include the ability to have the top canopy open or closed, and a choice of defensive weapons to sit next to the model's head.

This kit comes as 46 plastic components and is supplied with 2 Citadel 60mm Round bases along with an Acastus Knight Porphyrion decal sheet that features heraldry for Houses Makabius, Vyronii, Malinax and Coldshroud.