Add to Playlist

Add to Playlist

RRP: $20.00
Now $21.80(SAVE 12%)
RRP $24.99
Expected Release Date 15/03/2025
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Let’s get this playlist party started! Most music games require a lot of music knowledge. Not this one. Add to Playlist is all about finding out stuff about your friends from the music they choose to add to their playlist, all based around some well chosen prompts, such as “Your walk on music if you were a boxer”. We love this game because it’s a remix of those conversation-styl…
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Category Tags , , , , SKU ZBP-PLIST01UNI Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Let’s get this playlist party started!
Most music games require a lot of music knowledge.
Not this one. Add to Playlist is all about finding out
stuff about your friends from the music they choose
to add to their playlist, all based around some well
chosen prompts, such as “Your walk on music if you
were a boxer”.
We love this game because it’s a remix of those
conversation-style games that get people talking and
laughing – and revealing things about each other no
one knew – all to the sound of music.

200 cards, 22 wooden disco blocks, 1 pop-up scoreboard, 1 wooden DJ block

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Let’s get this playlist party started!
Most music games require a lot of music knowledge.
Not this one. Add to Playlist is all about finding out
stuff about your friends from the music they choose
to add to their playlist, all based around some well
chosen prompts, such as “Your walk on music if you
were a boxer”.
We love this game because it’s a remix of those
conversation-style games that get people talking and
laughing – and revealing things about each other no
one knew – all to the sound of music.

200 cards, 22 wooden disco blocks, 1 pop-up scoreboard, 1 wooden DJ block