Abalone (2017 version)

Abalone (2017 version)

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A great classic of the abstract game for two, Abalone invites you to try to eject six balls of your opponent from a hexagonal board by pushing them with yours. A game of capture and confrontation with global success, Abalone has for several years been the subject of tournaments and official competitions and has been elected As d’Or ?? Game of the Decade at the Cannes Internati…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ASMAB02NEN Availability Out of stock
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A great classic of the abstract game for two, Abalone invites you to try to eject six balls of your opponent from a hexagonal board by pushing them with yours. A game of capture and confrontation with global success, Abalone has for several years been the subject of tournaments and official competitions and has been elected As d'Or ?? Game of the Decade at the Cannes International Games Festival. Players can perform one action (or move) per turn. In turn, you will be able to move one to three balls from your side to one or more free spaces in the same direction or perform a " Sumito " movement of pushing the opposing balls when you are in a position of numerical superiority . Calculate your shots well, because any movement made can not be modified. Sent wonderfully packaged, this incredible Board Game will be sent swiftly and before you know it, it will be sitting proudly on your desk and receiving admiring comments from all your family, friends and colleagues!