A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game: Lannister Starter Set

A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game: Lannister Starter Set

RRP: £109.99
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RRP £109.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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House Lannister is fully in control of King’s Landing after the death of Robert Baratheon. Cersei Lannister has made sure of that with her scheming and plots behind the throne. Meanwhile, any that oppose the Lion are dispatched with either Jaime’s swift blade or crushed underfoot by the Mountain. While many storm clouds are on the horizon, House Lannister is well prepared with t…
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House Lannister is fully in control of King’s Landing after the death of Robert Baratheon. Cersei Lannister has made sure of that with her scheming and plots behind the throne. Meanwhile, any that oppose the Lion are dispatched with either Jaime’s swift blade or crushed underfoot by the Mountain. While many storm clouds are on the horizon, House Lannister is well prepared with their deep coffers granting them the best-equipped soldiers on the field. They have every intention to maintain their hold on the Iron Throne in the War of the 5 Kings.

The House Lannister Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a perfect starting place for players looking to don the red and gold in battle. It has everything they might need, from figures and stat cards to dice and rulebooks. Lannister Guardsmen and Halberdiers, along with a unit of Clegane Brigands make up the troops. Meanwhile, characters like Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion Lannister, along with “The Mountain that Rides” Gregor Clegane alter the battlefield in their own way. A complete set, the faction is ready to play right out of the box.