A Song of Ice and Fire Expansion: Bolton Blackguards Expansion

A Song of Ice and Fire Expansion: Bolton Blackguards Expansion

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House Boltons reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy twohanded flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause enemies to break and run before the …
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House Bolton's reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy twohanded flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause enemies to break and run before the battle has begun.

The Bolton Blackguards unit box gives commanders a terrifying new unit to employ on the battlefield. Heavily armored, the Blackguards' reputation and looks alone will cause enemies to make a Panic Test whenever they want to attack them in melee. Adding a Bolton Flayer unit attachment to the unit only increases their effectiveness, as they'll restore Wounds each time an enemy fails a Panic Test while engaged with them.

This is an expansion, A Song of Ice and Fire: Starter Set - Stark vs Lannister is required to play.