A Song Of Ice and Fire: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion

A Song Of Ice and Fire: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion

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A Song Of Ice and Fire: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrounding regions. As befitting L…
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A Song Of Ice and Fire: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrounding regions. As befitting Lannister troops, theyre kitted out with the finest armor money can buy, rich in both ornamentation and protection. Their training allows them to stand in heavy combat and move quickly to exploit enemy vulnerabilities as they happen. This product is an expansion:A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game CORE SET required to play. This kit comes supplied unpainted. Player Count: 2 Players Time: 45-60 Minutes Age:14+