7 Billion Needles Volume 3 (Paperback)

7 Billion Needles Volume 3 (Paperback)

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After surviving her showdown with the intergalactic terrorist Maelstrom, Hikaru attempts to return to society with peace of mind that mankind is now safe. But now she has not one, but two alien life forms residing in her blood stream! The hunter and the hunted are both living symbiotically inside Hikaru and the teen begins to suffer from a strange new personality disorder. Evolution…
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After surviving her showdown with the intergalactic terrorist Maelstrom, Hikaru attempts to return to society with peace of mind that mankind is now safe. But now she has not one, but two alien life forms residing in her blood stream! The hunter and the hunted are both living symbiotically inside Hikaru and the teen begins to suffer from a strange new personality disorder. Evolution and humanity are core themes in the penultimate volume of a series inspired by Hal Clement's golden-age science fiction classic, Needle (Avon, 1976).