6:Siege Corebox

6:Siege Corebox

RRP: $120.00
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First rule of hunting, become your target, then hunt yourself down.

You are agents from Team Six. You come from secret services and task forces from all around the globe, and train together either as attackers or defenders. Plan the assault! Ready the defence! Coordinate your Operators! Outwit the opposing team! …before they make their next move.

The 6 Siege Board Game is an asymmetrical tabletop game with miniatures for 2 to 4 players, based on Ubisoft’s acclaimed tactical shooter video game, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege. Gameplay is fast and frenetic, allowing players to feel the tension of a cinematic assault with simulated real-time gameplay. Players control a team of 5 operators (all attackers or all defenders), with each Operator boasting different gadgets and abilities. Building your team of 5 is a very rewarding step of the game, offering endless possibilities and strategic choices. As the attacker, you will use your explosive arsenal to tear down walls and obstacles to reach your objective! As the defender, you will shape the battleground to your advantage and seek to thwart your opponent’s plans by denying them chances to attack.


20 Operators (10 attackers, 10 defenders)
1 double-sided map board
2 tactical inventory boards
20 base rings
100+ tokens
7 hit dice
62 standees
45 cubes
15 cardboard obstacles
1 rulebook
1 mission book