50th Anniversary (Set 31): D&D Icons of the Realms - 8 Character Booster Brick

50th Anniversary (Set 31): D&D Icons of the Realms – 8 Character Booster Brick

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Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the world's greatest roleplaying game with the 31st set in our Icons of the Realms line of pre-painted Dungeons & Dragons miniatures. Our largest booster set to date!

Collect all 50 figures from D&D Icons of the Realms: 50th Anniversary (Set 31), the newest set of randomly sorted monsters in our exciting line of D&D miniatures. This includes a collection of classic creatures and characters, each depicted in their 1st and 5th edition incarnations to appeal to collectors new and old and, for the first time, 10 secret rare chase miniatures.

The Booster will have the following configuration:

1 Large miniature and 3 Medium or Small miniatures.
Booster Bricks contain 8 Boosters (a total of 32 minuatures)