1879 RPG Players Guide

1879 RPG Players Guide

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This isn’t your great-great-grandfather’s London! Victoria and Albert rule over a steam-powered British Empire that spans two worlds. Thanks to the portal known as the Rabbit Hole, a train ride away from London lies the Grosvenor Land, a new world of fertile plains, towering mountains, giant insects, and Babylonian descendants with weird science zombies. Seems they got t…
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This isn't your great-great-grandfather's London! Victoria and Albert rule over a steam-powered British Empire that spans two worlds. Thanks to the portal known as the Rabbit Hole, a train ride away from London lies the Grosvenor Land, a new world of fertile plains, towering mountains, giant insects, and Babylonian descendants with weird science zombies. Seems they got there first, three thousand years ago, and they're not exactly the welcoming sort..