Every space marine chapter needs strength and numbers to help assure them of the swift and quick victory, most will fill their numbers with the standard primaris interceptors, the standard battlelines for every space marine battle, but there are also the primaris infiltrators and incursors. Two squads designed to deal heavy damage and eliminate the foes of the imperium on every battlefield.
Within the box you get for these ten models you will be given two options as to how you wish to build them, you can build them however you wish but for them to fit in with your squad rules they will need to meet certain expectations. I found this quite frustrating as it diminishes the chance for creative freedom that this hobby usually encourages players and combining this with two sets of squads that are almost identical it seems such a wasted opportunity. For my models I have decided to step slightly outside the rules and build each model to the desired look I wanted regardless of how that affects the squad itself.
As with most models in the standard space marines line painting the incursors/inflitrators allows for a lot of experimentation and depending on the way you decide to paint you can create a squad that will play in different ways. As this pack also has ten models and can allow for multiple small squads it also encourages diversifying the squads creating unique teams for your battles. For my figures I decided to follow my paint scheme to create a look for the Emperors Spears:
- The Fang - covering the entire model
- Leadbelcher - focusing on any metallic elements
- Mournfang brown - all the brown parts of the model
- Screamer pink - the wax seals
- Nuln oil - shading the whole model
- Corax white - covering all white elements of the model and exposed head elements
- Abaddon black - all black elements of the model
- Rakarth flesh - all flowing sheets
- Retributor gold - all gold elements on the model
- Agrax earthshade - covering all the rakarth flesh areas and the base details
- Nuln oil (thinned down with some water) - covering all white areas except the face
- Reikland fleshshade - covering the face and all gold areas
- Astrogranite - for the base
- Nuln oil - over the base
- Calgar blue - the blue highlights
These models look incredible and seem to be a great addition to any army, but after playing with them and comparing them to their brothers the intercessors there is a lot of question as to why they are needed in the battle. There are also questions raised as to why there are two different squads when in reality they are so incredibly similar. Besides some small changes to the weapons that both the incursors and inflitrators bear, the units are very similar with the only other difference being the extra rule associated with them. This creates the question as to why not combine the strengths of each unit into a better unit that can compete with their intercessor brothers, who have better weapons and cost less to bring to battle. The only saving grace for these units are the unique rules that come with them, which when used successfully can make them a competitor to their brothers.
Overall these units can be as great in the game as they are to look at when fully constructed and painted, but this takes a lot more skill and knowledge than their more accessible counterparts of the intercessors. If you love the space marines and want to bring more challenging front line forces to mess with your opponents then these are worth considering to bring your forces into a more diverse battle force.