Ahoy pirates, and welcome to another hopeful voyage to the island of great pulls and chase cards. In this adventure I'll be exploring everything that the One Piece OP07 - 500 years in the future set has to offer. From the new leaders entering the hunt, to the characters that’ll be accompanying them. And this set is shaping up to be one of the most exciting we’ve seen in a very long time.
So without any further delay, let’s get stuck in!
Yo, ho, ho!
For this set we're off to the island of Egghead, home to Vegapunk and his inventions; along with anyone else who wants to put a stop to them. And boy, are there a wide range of people that want to knock Vegapunk down a few pegs.
The main feature of this set is the introduction of the Egghead keyword, which brings Vegapunk’s sentinels into play, along with versions of the Strawhat crew in their Egghead armour.
This means that we get some absolutely stunning manga style art of the futuristic characters and scenes that made up this arc in the manga and anime.
Of course, a brand new main set means that we get brand new leaders and a wide range of cards that provide exciting support to leaders old and new. Not forgetting a new collection of treasure rares and a manga leader to sweeten the deal. But more about that in the next section.
Bountiful plunder
Each pack in OP07 contains 12 brand new cards which are guaranteed to contain commons, uncommons and rares. However, they also have the chance to contain super rares, secret rares, special cards, treasure rares, leader cards and don. So there’s heaps of excitement to be had as you crack open each suspense filled pack.
Thanks to Bandai, we also know the card distribution for each rarity, so you have a good idea of what you can expect to find in your boosters. Not to mention, you’ll also know how lucky you are if you happen to find one of the treasures!
In total, the set contains 127 different cards in total, consisting of a range of rarities including:
・Leader Cards x 6
・Common x 45
・Uncommon x 30
・Rare x 26
・Super Rare x 10
・Secret Rare x 2
・Special Card x6
・Treasure Rare x1
・DON!! Card x1
Setting sail
Of course, with a brand new set, there’s always a few highly sought after staple cards that stand out from the rest. Not including the alternate arts and chases, of course. I’m just talking about really playable cards that instantly find their place in multiple decks.
The first on the list is Portgas D Ace, a 10 cost yellow character that allows you to gain a life and gains rush if you have 2 or less life when played. It’s become a must play in all yellow decks and allows Enel to sustain life and board control whilst starving their opponents hand.
The second must mention card is the Leader Bonny. On release, this deck jumped its way to the top of the meta and still places high in the meta even with the release of three sets between its release and now. Of course, it’s the leader ability, which allows you to rest an opponent's character or leader when they attack at the cost of a don. Shutting down the board and allowing you to hold off another round.
Final thoughts
This is by far one of my favourite sets to date, and I always find myself picking up a few boosters even now, just because of the amazing cards that feature in this collection. Not to mention that the characters featured in this set are from one of the coolest arcs in the manga, which really sweetens the set.
Of course, the staple cards and chase rares are what really makes this set, and with so many packed into OP07, there’s a good chance you might just find one. With the recent shake up of the meta due to bans, we’ve seen leaders such as Vegapunk and Rob Lucci showing their faces in the competitive scene.
So if you want to treat yourself and pick up some amazing staple cards that define the term ‘power creep’, I highly recommend delving into this set! Tell us your thoughts on OP07 by heading over to our Instagram!