Toy Story Deck-Building
USAopoly has announced a brand-new Toy Story deck-building game. The game is fully licensed by Disney and Pixar, and is suitable to 2-5 players. Players will take on the roles of some of their favourite Toy Story characters. Examples include Woody, Buzz, Rex and Bo-Peep.
In the game you must work together to overcome challenges and hazards, whilst progressing through the campaign. The game is split across six separate boxes, each containing a reference to parts of the Toy Story franchise. As you progress through storylines, new challenges and characters will be added.
It all sounds rather exciting. Hopefully this game can complement the end of the Toy Story film franchise perfectly. You can expect to see Toy Story: Obstacles and Adventures hitting shelves in the Autumn.
Pokémon GO creators enter Board Game Market
The creators of Pokémon GO, Niantic, have purchased Sensible Object. The former is a London-based board game company, known for games like Beasts of Balance and When in Rome. Niantic are more suited to AR driven apps, something with Beasts of Balance utilises already.
It will be exciting to see what they can develop in the future as they try to draw the physical world closer to the digital world.
Origins Award Winner Announced
The winners of the annual Origins Awards have been revealed. Root is the standout winner of 2019, walking away with the awards for:
- Best Board Game.
- Game of the Year.
- Fan Favourite.
Elsewhere, The Mind took the Best Card Game Award and was noted as a Fan Favourite. KeyForge became the Best Collectable Game of the year, whilst Gerald Brom and Vlaada Chvatil were inducted into the Hall of Fame. Mage Knight and Apples to Apples also went into the Hall of Fame.
Jamey Stegmaier received the Rising Star award for his work with Stonemaier Games.
A New Expansion for Clank!
Clank! - the much-loved deck-builder, is getting another expansion. Clank! Expeditions is a series of boards that allow to continue your adventures in the game. The latest addition is called Temple of the Ape Lords and comes with:
- Two new maps.
- Four new meeples.
- A new boss marker; a big old Ape Lord!
This expansion has been created in partnership with Dire Wolf Digital. It's expected to be released in September.
Bad Things come at the Dead of Night!
Fantasy Flight Games have announced a new expansion for Arkham Horror Third Edition. Dead of Night bring two additional scenarios and new encounters for each location in Arkham. There are also new monsters, anomalies and investigators. They come with new spells, items and allies to help them in their fight.
The first scenario is called Shots in the Dark. This sees investigators working to try and bring peace to Arkham. Gangs are fighting each other with in the city, and players must discover the cause of the feud.
The second scenario is called On the Lam. This focuses on the character known as Skids O'Toole. He is an ex-con who now guards and protects the city of Arkham from the darkness. He has vowed to his mother that he will do everything in his power to stop the unknown.
There is currently no release date for the Dead of Night expansion.