When the world of Warhammer Fantasy imploded, the game in its original form ceased to exist. From its scattered remains was born the Age of Sigmar. It had it's teething issues, but eventually it evolved into a solid game. But what if you don't want the mortal realms? What if you were perfectly happy in the World that Was, charging forth with your Bretonnian Knights or hordes of Tomb Kings?
Well have no fear, Games Workshop has your back. The Old World is back with updated models and a new setting. It's not too different though, it's just a bit further back in the world's history to tell some different stories and not be so concerned with imminent annihilation.
There is no ‘starter set’ for this game, instead it's launching with two army box sets, the aforementioned Bretonnians and Tomb Kings. They are both epic and I can't tell which I like best, they are cool in completely different ways, a great pick to launch this ‘new’ game.
Fingers crossed we’ll see more Old World releases in the not too distant future.