It’s safe to say 2020 will be forever known as a write off year. With the Coronavirus hitting pretty much every country in the world, everything came to a stop. Shops closed, social events delayed, the hospitality sector became none existent and most notably for us, simply going round to a friends house and pulling out your favourite board or video game became illegal. That is where Gaming for Good 2021 comes in.
All was not lost in our gaming world. Video games have always been accessible online and with the creation of TableTop Simulator in 2015 we were still able to fill our board game needs even if we were miles apart. So whilst this year has been challenging life has still been able to continue for us gamers.
This isn’t the case for people living on the streets.
In 2020, the UK reports there was a severe rise in rough sleepers during the first lockdown. The government claimed to have helped 90% of homeless people during the lockdown however, a charity known as ‘Streetlink’ proved this is not the case. More people had taken to the street during this pandemic than ever, due to various reasons.
End Youth Homelessness
Charities have also been hit by this pandemic. With jobs being postponed or possibly taken away, it's been harder and harder to find the money to give to important charities that haven’t been able to just stop for a year. These charities have had to continue their work for those who need it most. Charities like End Youth Homelessness.
End Youth Homelessness is one of the first charities dedicated to the Youth of this country, helping them build a future in situations that made lead to them not having a home. EYH is a number of charities joined together to not only provide housing but educate and serve as a support network to prevent youth’s from becoming homeless in the first place.
Every year over 30,000 youths have been helped through EYH. Either through bursaries or supporting them at home or into their own home.
Gaming For Good
Gaming For Good is EYH’s first national festival raising money for this cause through gaming. The idea is to get gaming enthusiasts across the UK using what they know best to raise money for the cause.
Invite everyone you know to join in your game or simply join you in raising money for EYH charities. The event spans from April 2nd to April 17th with the grand finale on Saturday where they will be celebrating successes of the event live. They will be sharing the impact you’ve had on the charity and rolling out some prizes through their exclusive prize draw.
How Can You Help?
Zatu Games is also joining the fight for this cause. We are going to do our best to get people gaming and spreading awareness for the youth of this country. If you’re wanting to join in but not to sure how-to, here are a few ideas from the EYH website:
- Host a Video Gaming Tournament and charge an entrance fee
- Tag-team marathon – team up & complete a game in 24 hours
- Extreme streams: Host a stream in fancy dress. How about your favourite gaming or in character?
- The Ultimate Forfeit: allow viewers to give you forfeits in exchange for donations. If you fail a level or lose a round you will have to complete the dare
- Simply join your friends or people you follow and support them!
- Make a charity donation through Zatu whilst you are checking out with your gaming haul
Any contribution is a massive step to ending youth homelessness in this country. Who best to join in a massive gaming event than us gamers? Clear those tables, brush the dust off those board games, grab those controllers and let's get gaming for those that need us.