Calling all Generals and Commanders. The future's looking brighter than ever with the announcement of a shiny new wave of battletomes. As well as showing the previously released books, the timeline for this roadmap has been increased to include all the battletomes that are being released in 2023. Although most of them are only ‘bookmarks’ at this moment in time.
In Spring we can look forward to 5 new releases in total. 1 Order, 2 Chaos and 2 Death. With one more Order release to follow in the Summer. That’s a whole lot of reworks for us to look forward to, and I have a bit of speculation as to what we might see…
I’m hopeful that one of the order releases will be Cities of Sigmar, although as we’ve only had a few armour teases, they may be the solo summer release. That being said, Games Workshop has been hyping up the community with new lore, pictures and teasers around every corner, so it might be sooner than we think.
As for the mystery spring releases, we already know that Seraphon is the order faction thanks to teasers that were revealed earlier this year. But what could the other factions be?
Some of the armies that are still awaiting a new edition are:
- Kaharadron Overlords
- Blades of Khorne
- Hedonites of Slaanes
- Ossiarch Bonereapers
- Flesheater courts
Which gives us a wide variety of what we might see in the future. However, the real question is, what one are you most looking forward to? You can let us know by using the tag @zatugames on any social media platforms.