Mob Sitters is an upcoming party game from East Street Games. It's a party game for 3-8 players, with an average game expected to last 15-30 minutes. The age rating for Mob Sitters is 12+.
Each player takes on the role of a greedy babysitter, working for various mobster bosses! In the game you must steal from your boss, avoid the law and, of course, don't get caught! Turn in your rivals to become the kingpin baby sitter! Mob Sitters is a fun and simple card game where you try to gain the most money while avoiding the prison sentence or the wrath of the mafia boss.
According to East Street Games:
"In your turn you play various cards to either earn extra money such as doing jobs for the mobster boss or stealing items from their home. Should cards still be around on your next turn, you 'bank' them and put them in your safe pile. However, if someone wants to dob you in, you could face a very uncertain future, locked up in prison. Or worse, 'disposed of' by the Boss!"
At the end of the sixth round players will total up the value of their "Boss" piles. The player with the most is disposed of by the boss and is removed from the game. Then, the remaining players total up the value of the cards in their "Cops" pile. This time, the player with the most is sent to jail and is therefore removed from the game.
The players that remain total up the value of the cards in their "Safe" piles. The player with the highest total is the winner of Mob Sitters. Learn a little more about the game in my preview video below.
Mob Sitters - Live on Kickstarter
Interested? Mob Sitters is now live on Kickstarter. The target set for the game is £4000, and the campaign will be live until October 31. At the time of writing (October 3), the game has raised just over £500 in less than two hours.
You have two pledges to choose from. You may choose the Babysitter Pledge and reeceive a copy of the base game with all applicable stretch goals. Alternatively, you can choose The Mobster Pledge. Here, you will receive the base game (and stretch goals) and The Heavy Mob Deck Expansion Set. This expansion contains 56 extra cards, consisting of seven cards for each player deck.