In this charming game from the legend that is Reiner Knizia, in MLEM: Space Agency, you aim to send your team of 🐈 cat astronauts (catstronauts?) on missions into deep space 🚀 ✨ racing to be the first to colonise moons 🌚 and planets. Each time you roll the dice you're left with fewer rolls to reach your goal – can you make it all the way to deep space? Cats are as we know are in TROUBLE and cats in deep space are in deep trouble – and they keep pushing their luck till their ship crashes! When you get in trouble it’s time to bail out!
The player who last tended to a cat’s needs (read: dealt with the kitty litter) takes the role of lead astronaut, choosing one of their team of 8 to lead the mission. Each of your cats has a different ability: scoring double at a planet, for example, or being able to bail out before crashing (#spoileralert the rocket often crashes, it’s the lack of opposable thumbs). Cats that crash still get to go back to base for another mission, but the aim is to use all 8 of your cats to colonise, explore and score.
This is a lot of fun, albeit 8+ seems a little off – there’s quite a lot to process, especially in the rulebook, and 9/10+ seems a bit more accurate. That being said, my wee girl loved it and took over playing from me once she had the hang of it, and demanded a copy for her 8th birthday 🎂 😻 The game’s component quality is superb, with a huge stitched neoprene mat, beautiful wooden rocket and UFO meeples, heavy Cardstock boards and tokens that cute but not cutesy plus all different sizes by value – so big 👍 for accessibility.
Whilst it’s great at all ages and player counts, it’s worth mentioning that UFO and Exploration tokens add layers of complexity. It’s very clever that the game’s variant modes build upon one another: it means the game grows with your kids and can be played as a satisfying light-mid weight grown-up game also.
All in all, a big hit! Blast off!