Steel Colosseum is now live on Kickstarter! Zatu Games' first publishing deal alongside Needy Cat Games, Steel Colosseum, is a competitive team combat arena game designed by a wonderful team of creatives. Here on the Zatu blog, we are going to introduce you to each member of the Steel Colosseum team and see if we can find out any sneaky details.
Today's blog comes straight from the Zatu HQ. Our team has been working hard behind the scenes to bring you the best quality Steel Colosseum updates, and none of it would have been possible without our very talented graphic designer Liam. Liam's designs can be found on all of our content, from our social posts to our fliers. You’ll see a lot more of Liam’s work on the Steel Colosseum Kickstarter page – he designed the entire thing himself!
Name: Liam Lennard
Job Title: Graphic Designer
Favourite Food: Spaghetti Carbonara
Favourite Biscuit: Shortbread
Favourite Movie: The Dark Knight
Favourite Character: Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Favourite Band/Artist: Eminem
Hobbies: Football/Gaming
Tell Us About Your Role Within Steel Colosseum
My role as a Graphic Designer on this project was to create the graphics and content for Steel Colosseum’s Kickstarter page. A large part of this consists of coming up with ways to really give potential backers a clear view of what the game is; what it's all about and what it consists of. This is important as we want to help show the viewer how much of a fantastic game Steel Colosseum is and how much of a great time they'll have when playing. Being able to communicate the game in the clearest way possible was vital. A lot of hard work went into this project so it is important that it is pitched to the public in the best way we can.
In addition to that, I was also tasked with creating any commercial/social media graphics that Zatu need as part of our campaign for the game, using the game art provided to me by the fantastic team at Needy Cat Games.
To have the opportunity to be part of this team is something I will forever be grateful for, so a big thanks to Alex and James for that.
How Did You Get Into the Board Game Industry?
I got into the board game industry, ironically, as a video game enthusiast. That might sound odd, but let me explain. Having studied Graphic Communication at University, my dream job was always to work in the gaming or sports industries in some capacity as a graphic designer. When I saw Zatu Games was hiring a designer it didn’t take me long to decide to apply. I have always been an admirer of board games but had never fully dedicated time to educate myself on any of the great games out there. My time at Zatu has helped me with this, and I’m loving every minute of it.
What Was the First Game That You Backed On Kickstarter?
Honesty is the best policy. I have never backed a game on Kickstarter before, and Steel Colosseum will be my debut. Of course, throughout this project, I have researched many fantastic Kickstarter Pages, such as Calico and Senjitsu, which have some really great structure and artwork. Combined, these elements really make for great communication on what these games are all about and how great they are.
In Three Words, How Would You Describe Steel Colosseum?
Intense, exciting combat
Just Between Us, Tell Us Something That We Didn’t Already Know About Steel Colosseum
The expansion packs are coming, featuring new robots which you’ll love. These packs will really help expand on an already brilliant range of characters and I can’t wait for you all to see them.
And Lastly, Tell Us About Your Favourite Character Within Steel Colosseum
It has to be Magnetron. The robot is a beast, and my favourite from an array of really well thought out and created machines. Plus, the Magnetron character art needs a place in my office at home.
Meet the Team
Meet the rest of the Steel Colosseum team by heading over to our blog. We've also got an exciting series on each of the Steel Colosseum robots, so be sure to check them out!
Editors note: This blog was originally published on May 13th, 2022. Updated on May 17th, 2022 to improve the information available.