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  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You Might Like

  • If you’re a fan of mazes
  • Multiple adventures to play through
  • Full of eureka moments

Might Not Like

  • Single player focused
  • Limited replayability
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Mazescape: Ariadne Review

Mazescape Ariadne

Lost And Found

Come one, come all to the master of pocket mazes; Mazescape: Ariadne. Will you make your way through the twists and turns of the labyrinth, or be lost for eternity in its depths?

Mazescape: Ariadne offers a collection of 2D mazes for you to make your way through; each more challenging than the last. Designed for one player, it serves as the perfect travel companion to keep your brain active as you pass the time.

I picked up my copy on a whim at a local game store, and quickly found myself glued to the challenges it offered. Before going on any long journeys for work, I’d always be sure to pack a Mazescape box for the long train ride.

Dimensional Adventure

To assist you with the many mazes that await, in the box you are gifted with the following resources:

  • 5 rule books in different languages
  • 7 Maze booklets
  • 1 Wooden Tracer Tool

There is a real charm to the wooden tracer tool that Mazescapes provides you with. It allows you to make your way through the map without obscuring any details with a pen; especially as you might need to take the same path more than once. Additionally, you can easily use it to keep your position and hold the page in place whilst you unfold the next section of the map.

I was also impressed by the large number of mazes you get in the box, and the variety of mechanics and challenges each one provides. I thought that the game might run out of potential quite quickly, but thankfully I was proven wrong.

Routes On Every Page

One of the most impressive things about Mazescape: Ariadne, is the way it utilizes every side of the paper it's printed on. As you trace your way through any of the mazes, the pages will slowly unfold and transform to reveal new paths, and formidable challenges. Pair that with the objectives you need to fulfill along the way, and you’re faced with a tabletop challenge like no other.

Countless times, I found myself having to step away from a maze out of frustration; only to come back to it later with a fresh mind. It taunts you with paths you didn’t notice before, or a solution that was staring at you the whole time.

Final Thoughts

Mazescape really is a hidden gem that packs so much potential into its deceptively small box. It makes the perfect gift for a puzzle addict, and would earn its place on any coffee table as a way to kill some spare time.

Although the replayability of Mazescape: Ariadne is limited, each maze offers a long enough playthrough for you to feel like you’ve got the most out of each adventure. And while it may not stand out on a board game shop shelf, I implore you to give it the attention it deserves. So why not take on the challenge of Mazescape: Ariadne, and add it to your cart today!

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • If youre a fan of mazes
  • Multiple adventures to play through
  • Full of eureka moments

Might not like

  • Single player focused
  • Limited replayability

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