Embark on a new adventure with Kirby as he makes a return in this 3D platform adventure, where Kirby arrives in a post-apocalyptic world after being sucked through a wormhole above Dream Land. Plunged into this new world, Kirby after meeting a new friend who is kidnapped, must navigate this new world.
As Kirby explores this new world further, he discovers he isn’t alone, the Waddle Dees were also brough to this dilapidated world, and were attempting to create a new town before being kidnapped by monsters. Kirby valiantly takes on the responsibility of defeating these monsters and aiding the Waddle Dees in rebuilding their destroyed town.
The journey is action-packed with a hint of strategy as Kirby leaps, floats and inhales his way through the intricately designed levels, all while tackling formidable foes and solving puzzles to progress on his journey.
The Adorable Pink Blob Is Back
The game shifts from the normal 2D of Kirby games however I really like these graphics as they feel familiar to the other Kirby games with realism added in through Kirby appearing in a post-apocalyptic world.
The game shifts from the usual 2D format found in Kirby games, however I appreciate the graphics because they maintain a sense of familiarity with other Kirby titles, while also introducing a touch of realism through Kirby being in a post-apocalyptic world which has realistic touches and makes it feel like people were once in this world.
Something that sometimes bugged me was the camera movement and how it sometimes wouldn’t allow you to look around (although this was done on purpose for the most part). I like the camera being moveable as I tend to play my games with the idea of there being hidden collectables or hidden items that I need to keep my eyes peeled for!
In this game, I really loved the little Gachapon figures of Kirby and felt inclined to collect as many as possible (unfortunately didn’t manage to get them all!) Collecting the Waddle Dees at times were very challenging and even made me feel that I needed to go back on some levels as I could see the Waddle Dee but couldn’t reach them when originally playing the level. This became useful as the more Waddle Dees you collected, the further the town would progress and have more buildings that you could interact with and utilise for example unlocking minigames like fishing.
Challenging Gameplay
Something useful that the game had as a feature was being able to change the difficulty level which I had to do many a time as when completing boss battles, some were simpler and then they would jump to almost impossible and so I felt I had to change the difficulty. This was something I disliked as the increase in the difficulty of bosses was not an even incline and you would go from an easy to challenging and then back to easy boss fight. I do see why adding the difficulty change was needed for those younger players of the game and for those that didn’t want to rage at this game!
The levels blended platforming puzzles with combat which became more varied with the dozen abilities you can get by inhaling certain enemies and the combat was simple, the combat became more challenging on the extra challenge levels each world held as these levels had ability limitations and also time limitations to make it more challenging to complete. I tended to stick to the fire or ice ability when playing the normal levels as I much preferred using these in comparison to the other abilities.
The story became flat and boring for me (although I love Kirby), and I didn’t feel particularly attached to the characters and I felt the story was more of an afterthought and wasn’t shocked by the story which was a shame as I felt the game overall was really fun.
The introduction of the car Kirby added an extra layer of excitement and humour to the overall gaming experience as it made me wonder what other funny objects Kirby could inhale. The visual aspect of Kirby transforming into a car was not only amusing but also a creative way to integrate a new gameplay mechanic as the game added in racing courses that you needed to complete only using the car mechanic within a specified time limit. This added a level of urgency to the levels and the combination of this new mechanic added a refreshing twist to the traditional platformer game.
Overall, being able to adjust the difficulty levels and incorporation of fun elements like car Kirby and being able to collect little figures made the game more memorable.