Final Fantasy Games have announced another instalment to the KeyForge universe. Mass Mutation will be the fourth set of Archon Decks to be released for the very popular card game.
What's It All About?
The existing cardpool is going grow further with Mass Mutation giving even more completely unique decks. Mass Mutation will bring 250 brand new cards and also introduces dark Aember. There will be familiar creatures that have been warped and changed in to something altogether different, massive creatures that will span more than one card and the return of house Sanctum.
Dark Aember is the source of the mutations and brings some changes to existing creatures in to something new and different. The new "enhance" keyword comes in to play when the deck is being generated and collated. The enhance symbol adds bonus icons to cards in your deck. Previously, the only bonus icon has been for Aember which lets you gain one Aember when a card with this icon is play. Mass Mutation introduces three additional bonus icons. Capture lets a friendly creature capture one Aember. Damage lets you deal one damage to a creature in play. Draw lets you draw an additional card. The addition of this enhance keyword and additional bonus icons is going to make for more even more unique decks.
Another interesting feature that Mass Mutation brings to the table is the gigantic creatures. These creatures have increased in size to the point of not being able to fit on a single card. To play the creature a player will need to have both parts in their hand. They are hard to acquire and play but they are powerful and worth the effort. They have a large amount of power and special abilities that can turn the tide of the battle.
For existing KeyForge players you simply pick up a Mass Mutation Archon Deck. If you are dipping your toes in to the work of KeyForge for the first time you can pick up the Mass Mutation Deluxe Deck which contains one deck and the relevant tokens for one player. The Two Player Starter Set contains two decks, paper playmats and tokens for two players.
If you are fan of KeyForge already Mass Mutation takes what you know about KeyForge gives it a good shake and then turns it on its head. If you are new to KeyForge then this could be a good place to start.