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Kavango Review

What can you say about Kavango that has not already been said? The game is incredible with so much love from everyone I have spoken to that has played this game. It is an enormous success story that for the 16 months I’ve known about it, has had a massive buzz around it that only continues to grow now that the game is available for purchase in shops, and those that backed the kick starter campaign are receiving their much anticipated orders. I was captivated by the idea of the game when I first heard about it through the power of social media (which isn’t all bad). I sought it out at the UKGE in 2023 to play it, which I got the opportunity to and I Loved it, which continues to grow in the present day (2024) now that my own set has arrived. How do you do such a game justice in a blog? Here goes…

The background.

Ordinarily in my reviewing I would start to tell you about the rules and game mechanics at this point. You cannot do that here without having some understanding of the origins of the game. Matt and Zara of Mazaza Games set about a project to create a game that was not only a fun game to play, but importantly raise awareness around the conservation challenges across the world. They’ve smashed it out the park. It is a constant challenge throughout the game in thinking about how to best create a flourishing nature reserve that is balanced, placing your incredibly finite funds in the right place and do what is the right thing in preservation in conservation. It is tough.

You cannot do everything you want to do in Kavango, or everything that needs to be done. With real emphasis on the word NEED. So much needs to be done, much as it does in the real world. Organizations around the world trying to do good things and support nature, do not have the necessary funds and resources to do all that NEEDS to be done and that is exactly the same for you in this board game. Mazaza captures that brilliantly within the game, drawing attention to the challenge, highlighting that there is no simple solution and that without a balanced system you cannot have the most successful result. The depth is incredible.

Game rules overview.

Normally I would probably get into quite a bit of detail here but I am not going to. There is a beautiful explanation within the rule set to aid set up of the game making it very easy to do.

What is very cool is that Kavango has a clear end point. 3 rounds with 10 turns in a round and then the game is over. For each round, build a hand of cards for each of the players within the game. Play occurs simultaneously from there which is awesome because the action is constant. I love this part. Once you have played a turn, pass your hand on to the next player and receive a hand of cards back. You then play the next turn with this new hand. So planning is very much off the cuff each and every turn, pending what you have been given/taken by the other players. Pick the card that best suits you within the moment.

A turn is simple. Take a card from the hand, play the card. Conduct any research and invest. Once all that is done, pass your hand of cards on.

During Kavango there is the opportunity to score through research completed. You have to build your reserve, every animal is unique in the game and comes with a score. In order to add the animal you have to have the necessary resources below it to add it to your set up as well as the necessary habitat protection, poaching protection or climate protection levels. They come from investment.

After 3 rounds of 10 are over, the scoring commences. Scoring is completed after counting all animals in the reserve. Bonuses available for a diverse system, climate investment and protection for habitat and poaching. Highest score taking the win.

There is more to talk about within the rules, this is high level. You have your starting character, which is the role you play and has a little unique bonus for within the game. Research tasks can have little aids for you, but if you are researching you are not adding species to your reserve and again questions are posed of you for your strategy. It is not a challenging ruleset to follow, the strategy however is enormous.

The look.

The box art in the first instance is sensational. I truly hope it becomes an absolute board game icon because it is that good. Kavango has the potential for when people talk about board games, you may think of a classic Monopoly cover, you could see Kavango becoming a household name, I certainly can.

The quality of the components inside. Some of the best I’ve ever seen and not a drop of plastic in sight which very much keeps in line with the message of conservation and looking after our planet. All parts are card, wooden or paper based. They really are high quality as well! It’s all stunning and it will last a very long time, which is ideal as it will be put to test with plenty of games being played in our home.

The drawings on the cards, each one unique. With 160 species cards, more research tasks, action cards, character cards, each uniquely designed by Matt. I’m at a loss for words on how to best describe it. It looks amazing. Whether it be the simple Shepherds Tree, the Fruit Bat or the Honey Badger. The detail on each and every card is amazing. They look incredible, it is visually amazing and a game I’m so pleased to own in my collection. It really stands out around the other games in there.

What I love about Kavango?

The mental puzzle as the game progresses. Typically I have found games (in general) to get easier as you get to grips with the rules and understand the strategy in the game. Kavango is frustrating for me but in a good way. There is so much depth in this game that an overall strategy is so hard to come by. There are many assorted random elements within the game. The research available to complete, competing alongside your fellow players for the species you want to select in each and every hand, then only to pass the rest on to the player, knowing you may not see a card you wanted come back around again. Where do you place your limited funds for investment, which direction do you take? The potential variation is exceptional creating new challenges in each game and a significant amount of variation to result in every game being oh so different. The replayability is enormous. It is so challenging and only gets harder turn on turn. The first round is so much easier than round 3. The challenge is so much more complicated at this point as there is so much more at stake. The jeopardy is real and with every play you are running out of time. It is such a fun challenge to work through.

Then you have your opponents to consider… You can get so hung up in what you are trying to achieve. It is very easy to get lost in your own game and that is fine. However you do need to pay attention to the opponents and that is not easy to do.

Kavango is another game that has the option for solo play. I’ve not tried it so cannot comment here but I have every intention to do so.

I’ve run through Kavango a few times now in play and it has been fantastic. I cannot wait to see how I feel after dozens of plays in the game. What more I have discovered and learned. Taking on a few more of the advanced rules, see where this new level of depth goes. Can I significantly impact upon my opponents game, much more so than I have been? The possibilities are extensive.

Where could Kavango improve?

I have nothing here. Truly, it’s amazing. Matt and Zara spent a lot of time testing the game with gamers, taking away the feedback and tinkering with the game to get to their final product. I know, I played the prototype in 2023 and there are plenty of subtle improvements in the game I purchased. Whether it be the game components created or simple rule adjustments here and there. It’s amazing and they absolutely smashed it. I cannot be critical.