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Gubs Board Game Review

gubs game

Gubs was my first introduction to the world of Gamewright Games. What a wonderful card game this is. Described on the cover of the box as the game of wit and luck (probably a bit more luck), it's fast and a lot of fun.

How To Play

Whoever has the most Gubs at the end of the game is the winner. Very straight forward. Each player starts with one Gub and a hand of three cards. On your turn, You can draw one card and play as many as you like, or not at all. You must play one card on your second turn if you can. (So you can skip a play every other turn). Then there are the event cards that must be played if drawn, and do count as a played card. When the event cards G, U & B are drawn the game is over instantly and the winner, as noted earlier, is the player with the most Gubs in front of them.

Game Overview

This game is totally bonkers and possibly not for the serious gamer, but I love it. A couple of cards drawn/played can flip this game upside down in an instant and turn an almost certain victory into a big defeat. I know that doesn't appeal to some but you are never out in this game. The true skill of the game coming in when you understand that you have to hold a card, or when to play. A game for 2-6 players and works well with any amount within this. Although you are probably along for the ride more with six players than your are with just the two. It will definitely be a bit more luck in achieving a win with six players than just the two players. However I love this element of a game with more players interacting in the game and influencing the outcome at any moment.

There are many different types of action cards, all with fun little tricks and abilities to help you compete for victory. Some can be played on your turn only and others at any point in the game to prevent an incident occurring. You do have to wonder where the creators minds were at when making this one as when you announce you are going to play your "Haki Flute" or "Flop Boat" you do sound mental, especially when introducing to someone who has never played before. But this provides a lot of laughter along the way.

How Did I Discover Gubs

My wife picked this one up at random for me for one Christmas quite a few years ago and it remains a firm favourite for when we are need of a quick game or when we are travelling away, as it is just a deck of cards that requires minimal space. She wanted a stocking filler and the art work was what grabbed her attention. Gamewright do such marvellous art work with all their games that we have picked up and this one is no exception. The cards are full of vibrant colour that catch the eye and the Gub characters look fantastic with wonderful cartoon like qualities.

Who Is Gubs For

The game is for anyone. Adults and children will love it. It's simplicity is it's genius and it only lasts 15-20 minutes. So you can squeeze a few games in to an hour. With minimal space required, Gubs can be played anywhere. We've played on the train, on flights, waiting in an airport, hotel rooms, in the caravan and obviously the table at home. It has been played in the past to determine who is making dinner and who is washing up after, quite a fun way to decide.

I actually cannot wait to introduce my children to this one, it's a few years away yet but I think an excellent game for children to learn winning and losing, but critically not to give up on the game as it can always turn around. This is where games provide important life lessons for our young people and this is an excellent one to start this with. But it is not so serious that defeat would be upsetting because you simply gather in and shuffle the cards, then go again.

Final Thoughts

Gubs, a fast paced game full of fun and laughter. A perfect gateway game into the world of Gamewright to which with have added a few more of their titles to our collection off the back of how brilliant this game is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.