IDW Games are soon to release Batman The Animated Series: Gotham Under Siege, taking full inspiration from the much celebrated Batman Animated Series of the 90s. For many Bat fans, the moody, art-deco styled animated series is regarded as the definitive incarnation of the Caped Crusader.
What can players expect?
The game mechanic behind Batman The Animated Series : Gotham Under Siege is a co-operative dice-rolling and resource management one for 1-5 players. Players take on the role of one of the heroes of Gotham; Batman, Robin, Catwoman, Batgirl or Gordon and the GCPD.
Players must work together to defeat a series of villains attacking Gotham (presented here in a visually stunning three by three grid of cardboard skyscrapers. Players need to work effectively together with their rolling of the dice to work through the requirements of each specific storyline they face. These are presented as increasingly challenging Acts, ultimately looking to defeat the criminal masterminds behind the crime spree. Each of the Acts is adaptable to the number of players in the game, levelling the challenge accordingly. Single play is possible against the game with the doubling up of characters in this instance.
Fans of the animated show will be thrilled to see that each Act uses actual storylines from the first season. IDW Games have also produced countless event and skill cards for gameplay, each featuring fantastic new art inspired by the show.
If players fail to defeat the villains attacking Gotham, the buildings in the centre of the playing area are destroyed one by one over time and Gotham civilians are potentially harmed. Buildings destroyed and civilian casualties are monitored through the game on a slider. Lose too many buildings or civilians and it’s game over for the crime fighting heroes.
Why might you like Gotham Under Siege?
Gotham Under Siege has so much potential for fans of Batman and gamers alike. Each Act of the game has a wide variety of exciting story tasks and events (taken from the Animated Series) that must be resolved players. This really brings a strong narrative feel to the game.
The unique 3D game set-up shows a fantastic vision of Gotham, whilst the accompanying miniatures of the heroes have lovingly been sculpted to match their animated counterparts. There really has been a close attention to detail in the work that IDW have shown here to bring the franchise to the table.
This is an interesting and unique co-operative game with its own themed action and strategic elements. Characters have their own unique skill cards, so each player can activate their signature moves during the game. Players will need to work effectively as a team to fend off the increasingly challenging waves of thugs and villains invading Gotham in each Act before confronting the classic villains behind it all.
Like the Caped Crusader and his Bat Signal, this is a game clearly worth keeping an eye out for.