Long before the existence of humanity, the Great Race of Yith ruled time and space. Rumours have it that these ancient beings are on the rise for a powerful return, and a new Ancient One looms in the darkness of the underground. To protect the world from falling into the claws of the Father of Serpents, the mighty Yig, investigators must uncover the mysteries of this forsaken lore.
Forsaken Lore - The Game
The spotlight of the Forsaken Lore Expansion falls upon the new Ancient One, Yig, whilst also adding many more mystery cards for the base-set Ancient Ones. This Eldritch Horror expansion further bulks out the base set by adding hundreds of new stories to encounter, alongside new artefacts, assets and spells to power up your investigators.
However, beware, Forsaken Lore also unleashes seven epic monsters, including winged-serpents, Hydras and the Children of Yig. Will you succumb to the poison of the serpent people (poisoned being a new condition card) or will you conquer the Poison Mist and wield it to defeat the scaly fiends (Poison Mist being a new spell card)? Only the best investigators can prevent the awakening of Yig.
For instance, you are walking down a busy street, and out of the corner of your eye, you catch a man’s reflection… you are horrified to witness a glimpse of his true reptilian form. Or perhaps whilst exploring the seas, you hear an unnerving rippling from the water… you peer over the vessel to find you are being hunted by a serpent creature from the deep. The new encounters and mysteries hold a unique flavour from the scaliest stories of H.P Lovecraft’s serpent creatures, monsters unlike anything that can be found within the base game.
Speaking of the base game, not only does the Forsaken Lore expansion add an entirely new Ancient One to overcome, but the expansion also massively broadens the initial possibilities within the base set of Eldritch Horror with new mysteries and encounters for all the base game Ancient Ones.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Forsaken Lore is a must have for Eldritch lovers as an ideal expansion for someone who is looking to expand the base game in general. Although, as previously mentioned, this is not the ideal mission for new investigators, as Yig’s wrath is unrelenting. However, with the addition of new assets and spells, even the most dreadful of Ancient Ones can be driven back into the depths of the darkness, but how far will you delve into the unknown and how much are you willing to sacrifice to succeed?