Fog of Love casts two players as two halves of a couple, living out a romantic comedy through a series of short snippets or scenes within their lives. When you first meet you will know very little about each other, but over the course of the game, the way you each deal with different situations will start to give you insights into each other’s personality, until ultimately you decide if you should stay together or break up. The three latest expansions add more content for those who didn’t back the original Kickstarter campaign.
If you’ve already played all of the scenarios in the base game of Fog of Love, then we suggest you play the expansions in the following order. Each expansion can be played standalone and the order doesn’t really matter, but, for reasons that will be revealed, based on the originality of each scenario in the spoiler free descriptions below, we recommend this as a good order to play them in.
Trouble with the In Laws
If you can’t guess what is added to the game in Trouble with the In Laws, then you may need to take a moment to read the title again. This expansion delves further into your relationship, by exploring how that relationship is perceived and is affected by the people you already love. How much do you cave in to your family’s demands, what if the person you love isn’t someone they approve of?
All of this is managed with a new mechanic that tracks how happy your parents are with the relationship, how much influence they have over it and how much you care! After all a relationship can survive even the most disappointed parents should you not care what they think! Just be careful, some of the scenarios in this expansion can hit a bit close to home!
Paranormal Romance
Paranormal Romance starts as a normal love story, but early on your can tell something is wrong. For obvious, spoiler related reasons I can’t go into details as to what that is, but the whole game has a strange feeling behind it. Uniquely though, Paranormal Romance is a love story in two parts, it doesn’t end when the game does! The characters you played as during this expansion can turn up again in future games giving you some new, and unusual, options in even the most ordinary of relationships.
Of course, you can always remove these cards should you want to have a “normal” relationship again, but the ability to revisit your old personas in future games is not to be missed!
It Will Never Last
It Will Never Last is the scenario which is most similar to the original game. You don’t add any components and there are no new mechanisms. Because of its simplicity, we were happy to jump in with our continuing story from the Paranormal Romance scenario, mixing this into our first game with It Will Never Last. What we enjoyed most with It Will Never Last was how much of a train wreck our relationship was.
We weren’t compatible, we had nothing in common and the chapter cards were really forcing everything to go wrong in our relationship. This gave us free reign to be horrible people! We would deliberately make choices that the other character would hate, we could rip into each other with jibes and slurs (all in character of course). It’s really fun, especially as a couple, to have the freedom to just say what you think and be cruel for 60 minutes in the safety of your board game world!
Final Thoughts on Fog of Love Expansions
We’re really pleased that two of the three latest expansions introduced whole new mechanisms to the game, ones that brought external forces into play within your intimate relationship. It really opened my imagination to what the future might hold. Perhaps a three-player scenario: ‘Third Wheel’, or a scenario where your kids start to play a significant role. These expansions are definitely aimed at fans of the game who just want to explore more of the role-playing experience that Fog of Love offers – they add enough variety to feel like something fresh, without breaking the original mould.
The content in Fog of Love is, of course, re-playable. If you invent different characters or draw different scenarios from the decks, which are now bulging with content, then you’ll have a different experience. But for us, we’re looking forward to future content for the game to get it back onto our table.