So my first Con was UKGE earlier this year and it didn’t go to plan even though I had weeks to prepare. All I can say is it was just bad luck and I hope Essen will be kinder to me. Spiel is one of the world’s largest board game conventions and one I am very excited for.
I will be working with Final Frontier who will be showing of Cavern Tavern and Rise to Nobility, but I am not here to promote the guys I am working with although I do really like Cavern Tavern and I'm super excited for Rise to Nobility and if you wanted to meet me/us I will be in Hall 8 :D.
Essen Spiel will be an opportunity for many people to test games for the first time, buy new releases and meet other game enthusiasts from around the world. Games like Agra and Pandemic Legacy Season 2 are rumoured to be available for the first time here and the excitement shows all over social media.
This article is all about the games I am excited about and ones you can see at the convention.
2Tomatoes - Upstream
First off, 2Tomatoes Games will be showing off the awesome looking Peak Oil and their latest game Upstream, that will be available for you to buy. Rumours have it they will be selling Peak Oil and have a Prototype of their next game too which would be awesome to see. Go meet them in hall 7.
Drawlab Entertainment - Mystic Scrolls
Next up is Drawlab Entertainment who will be showcasing the awesome looking Mystic Scrolls. This is a game that my group, Board Game Exposure, will be reviewing soon and one I am excited for.
It’s a fast-paced game where you take on the role of a wizard trying to learn as many spells as possible. A dice game for 2-4 players aimed at families, be sure to check them out in Hall 1.
Grimlord Games - Endure the Stars
Grimlord games will be there showing of Endure the Stars, Village attacks and a new game called The Ever Rain. Not much is known about it yet but if its anything like their last two games expect a miniature based game with high production values and some cool looking monsters.
Gamelyn Games - Heroes of Land, Air and Sea
Gamelyn Games for me is a must visit and I am sure they will be showing off the cool looking Heroes of Land Air and Sea, along with all the Tiny Epic Games. ITEMeeples were great in Tiny Epic Quest and I am sure these will feature heavy in most upcoming titles.
Board Game Circus - Tortuga 1667
One booth you can visit and get to see lots of designer’s games at Essen is Board Game Circus. Games like DIG, Salem and Tortuga 1667 will be there to buy and hopefully play.
Thundergryph Games - Deadman's Doubloons
Thundergryph Games will be in hall 2 showing off many of their titles. I really want to try out Deadman's Doubloons and get a closer look at Tao Long. I find Thundergryph's art style really appealing and I cannot wait to see it up close and personal.
Mark Swanson - Feudum
Mark Swanson will be attending with Feudum and it will be the first time for many to get a closer look at it. I am really keen to test a round or two as this game is one of my most anticipated games of the year.
One Free Elephant - Carcosa
One Free Elephant, who really surprised me with Ore-Some, will be showing off their latest successful Kickstarter game Carcosa. This tile laying game has great art and was a hit among other reviewers I know.
See you at Essen!
Above are just some of my picks, but with so many halls and so many games I want to see I could be writing this article until next week and miss my plane. Lucky Duck Games, Eagle Gryphon, Renegade, CMON and many many more will be there and I am so excited to be part of this.
Come and say hi if you are there and I hope you all have a great time.