Epic Encounters Local Legends - Night Hag Encounter Preparation:
Clear the kitchen of that cauldron! Mmmm, chicken soup? No! Eyeball stew! Ewwwwww! Night Hag Encounter, designed to fit into the Local Legends Tavern Kit and DND 5th Edition compatible. This unit contains a full encounter booklet, four unpainted miniatures and illustrated battle map. The unit is designed to be a flexible encounter and can be played as a standalone adventure, necessary evil along the way, or a side quest in a campaign. The Games Master (GM) will need to have to assess the players levels and pitch the difficulty but reading the full encounter booklet rather than scanned over will give the depth of the scenario and characters to make it a truly Epic Encounter.
Epic Encounters Local Legends - Night Hag Encounter at play:
The game is designed as a drop in encounter for any games master role playing game, primarily for the Local legends Tavern Kit but also for a DND 5th Edition adventure, modification would be needed to any other role-playing system. The players play co-operatively unless you are a sneaky spy, to complete the scenario objective. The scenario is outlined to stop the Night Hag from her evil plan, but a band of plucky adventurers could save the day or the world from the Night Hag’s tyranny and her ultimate plan to become a god but will rip open the dimension and destroy the world in the process, or they might just go fishing and watch the world melt from the local lake with their toes immersed in the chilled waters and being nibbled at by the well-tended koi. The GM manages the encounter, so if it is too challenging the scenario can be adjusted e.g. the Night Hag could be stopped by destroying the location and dissipating the nexus or the Harpers mages drop in to destroy the nexus while the band of adventurers distract the Night Hag or the local militia or sheriff posse lend a helping hand, so much choice but so little time.
Booklets, Maps & Miniatures:
Night Hag Encounter booklet contains, a detailed scenario and background of the Night Hag and her abilities and behaviour in battle, as well as her perspective on what she is doing and why. The booklet provides guidance on difficulty, stats, treasures and weaving in the scenario to the campaign or adventure at hand. The battle map is beautifully illustrated and on decent quality paper but is only one sided and you will need to flatten it out and then rely on the Tavern Kit to provide a leading foreground map for the adventure. The Night Hag and three sprites’ miniatures are included and are all unpainted but are very nicely detailed although the sprites are a little plain, the pieces are standard small miniatures in size, but would have expected at least a fifth miniature of the Night Hag disguised or ethereal form, as the other sets are more generous with the miniatures number or size.
‘Is that the same Night Hag we ran away from at the Frogmire coven? Said the young Paladin.
‘If it is, she has certainly let herself go, as that Night Hag was a Babe,’ replied the white Wizard.
‘Why would she be here?... You, stole her owl, didn’t you?’ Said the young Paladin.
‘Um, witch twit do who told you that, although that would be a hoot, if I had,’ replied a now awkward looking white Wizard.
‘Run, you fool,’ said the white Wizard running with Haste.
Epic encounters have been written to be challenging and it is the duty of the GM to balance the adventure with the player ability and bringing in extra help to tip the balance is allowed as your in charge right, but balancing is always the best way and letting in extra help or allow aid to come if needed.
Life after Epic Encounters Local Legend – Night Hag Encounter:
There are already several expansions available with further additional units available from the manufacturer. These include: -
Tavern Kit Core set – this set provides a range of tavern locations and NPC to help build the story and set the scene for the scenarios.
Encounter Scenarios – these sets include a single sided illustrated battle map, 2-6 detailed unpainted miniatures and a full encounter booklet covering the background and scenario details and guidance to make an epic encounter.
Bat Demon Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Berserker Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Ghost Pirate Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Green Dragon Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Griffen Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Owlbear Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Wraith Encounter – widely available at all good miniature stores.
Hill Giant Encounter – currently only available from the manufacturer.
Efreet Encounter - currently only available from the manufacturer.
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