Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior’s heart. I tell you; I tell you, the Dragonborn comes….
The Call to Arms Bleak Falls Barrow Delve set is a great starting set for the elder scrolls: call to arms game, included is 1 x Dragonborn, Champion of Skyrim, 1 x Draugr Overlord, Bleak Falls Guardian, 3 x Draugr Greatsword Warriors, 3 x Skeleton Archers. All beautifully and faithfully recreated from their models in elder scrolls v: Skyrim. The kit comes on one sprue containing the models, 8 bases and an instruction sheet for building. This set will make you reminisce, back to your first adventure into bleak falls barrow on the hunt for the Dragonstone.
The sprue is nicely labelled, each model part has a unique letter and number assigned to it, E.g. A4. That links back to the instruction sheet for easy refence of where each part goes, very similar to most miniature game. It is recommended to use hobby/model cutters to remove these parts from the sprue, then use a hobby knife to clean the excess of the models and remove Mold lines. These models have been well designed with lots of details so extra care is recommend whilst doing this to avoid damaging the detail. Before you start gluing, I recommend laying out each part next to the instructions and checking how each part fits together (dry fitting) especially for the complex models like the Dragonborn and Overlord. An annoying aspect of the instructions is they do not indicate clearly what leg is which so double check with the model on the box how the legs go. Now to gluing the model together I recommend plastic glue since this kit is made of plastic miniatures and plastic glue creates a better bond than superglue as it melts the two plastic parts together creating a vastly stronger model. You may also like to keep the shields unglued for now for easier painting.
Start with a basecoat spray to cover the whole miniatures, this will help attach a layer of paint to the plastic that we will allow paint to stick to the miniature, without a basecoat it is a lot harder to get paint to stick and can result in a loss of details. When spraying be careful not to over spray as these models have lots of detailed parts that can be lost by too much paint. These models have lots lines and fabric textures making them rich with recesses and highlight possibilities. This makes them perfect for speed/contrast paints. A bone type of these paints could finish the skeleton almost in one go, similarly a brown and tan colour speed/contrast paint can do most of the fur and flesh as well. Then a metallic paint for the metallic bits and these miniatures would be ready to a nice standard for use. You can use other techniques and go into a lot more detail on these, the metal swords and shields are perfect for some NMM style of painting and the fur and flesh are ideal for the gradient style of wet blending from light to dark to show light. However, you want to paint these miniatures you can, as the models have been sculpted making painting very enjoyable indeed.
The rules and game cards for these miniatures can be found in Elder Scrolls Call To Arms: Core Rules Box Set. There you will find the adversary cards: 3x skeleton archer; 3x Draugr greatsword warrior; 1x Draugr overlord, and the hero card The Dragonborn. The adversary’s act on their own and act depending on a dice role or set response listed in the rule books. The have 5 main responses each with represented with its own letter AMOFD. A-attack, M-move, O-objective, F-fall back, D-defend. This means they can act differently every time they activate and can provide a unique challenge for the player. The dragonborn is a hero, this means she is controlled by a player and can be used in the player’s party. She has the main faction of adventurers so can be used as a champion (party leader) in that faction or as a regular party member of the Stormcloaks or imperials. This makes her incredibly flexible and with her well mixed stats allow her to be a useful addition in any party you might want to use. The game Elder Scrolls Call To Arms is an incredibly deep game with a 100 page rule book and multiple expansions it may be daunting to know how to start, however included in the Elder Scrolls Call To Arms: Core Rules Box Set is a escape from Helgen tutorial book that uses the items from the Elder Scrolls Call To Arms: Core Rules Box Set and Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Bleak Falls Barrow Delve set to create a simple and easy to understand introduction that slowly adds more complexity as you learn the basics, 3 easy to follow tutorials that get you ready to gather a party and explore the world of Tamriel in the Elder Scrolls: Call to arms.
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