Capcom’s E3 2021 presentation was a swift affair. Especially compared to Xbox & Bethesda and their brain-exploding levels of information. The gaming legend discussed new details about Resident Evil Village, Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. They also dedicated a large portion of their showcase to announcing the return of the Capcom Pro Tour. Let’s check it all out in more detail.
Resident Evil Village DLC
After a rather spoilerific trailer for Resident Evil Village, Producer Tsuyoshi Kanda announced that post-launch DLC is in development. Literally nothing else was mentioned, except for “more info to come later”. I’ve got several items on my DLC wishlist for the title, but explaining them would give out significant spoilers.
Resident Evil Village has been a huge success for Capcom. Selling upwards of 4 million copies since its May 7th launch. We scored the game an impressive 91% in our review. Describing it as “a wonderful reintroduction of the best action elements of RE4. While simultaneously capturing what made RE7 such a refreshing change of pace for the series”.
Resident Evil Village Multiplayer, RE: Verse
The multiplayer game included with Resident Evil Village will release next month (July). RE: Verse is a competitive third-person shooter, where players can take control of their favourite heroes and villains from across Resident Evil’s rich history. RE:Verse has had a number of beta periods prior to release so hopefully, the only bugs we’ll find are the player-controlled ones trying to kill us.
Monster Hunter Rise 3.1 Update
Capcom also gave us a look at what’s next for the Monster Hunter series. First, the recently released Monster Hunter Rise is getting a 3.1 update on June 24, which will introduce new quests, rewards, and paid DLC cosmetics.
Once you download the update you’ll want to head over to see Senri the Mailman in Kamura Village. Here you’ll be able to grab the following quests: Almudron: Fashion Victim; Fooled in the Flooded Forest; Rampage: Muddi Gras; Heart of a Hero; and An Icy Blade So Bright.
Completing these quests will grant you special rewards, including a Play Possum gesture, a Festival Sticker set, and Shadow Shades. Capcom also plans to introduce some cosmetic DLC to the game. Including a baby penguin outfit for your Cohoot.
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Demo
In addition to the 3.1 update, we also got another look at Rise’s first collaboration event. It’ll introduce some Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin content to the game. You’ll be able to craft armour for your Palico based on Tsukino. Players who have Monster Hunter Stories 2 save data will also unlock Rider armour for their hunter.
As for Monster Hunter Stories 2, Capcom confirmed free post-launch updates following its release on July 9th. The first update is set to arrive on July 15th. And as if that wasn’t enough Capcom also announced a free demo of Monster Hunter Stories 2 coming on June 25th. Any progress you make will carry over to the full game.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Capcom offered a look at how The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles’ crime scene investigations and courtroom drama will play out. It finally hits western shores on July 21st for PlayStation, Switch and PC.
Previously only available in Japan on the Nintendo 3DS. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles features Phoenix Wright’s ancestor Ryunosuke Naruhodo and - sigh - Herlock Sholmes. It’ll also bring two new gameplay elements to the Ace Attorney formula.
The first of which is Dance of Deduction. It sees Herlock make wildly inaccurate logical leaps and coming inaccurate conclusions. Leaving it up to Ryunosuke and Susato to correct him and show evidence. The second, Summation Examination, takes place in the courtroom. With Ryunosuke trying to find things to which he can object in order to tilt the scales of justice in his favour and get the desired verdict.
The Capcom Pro Tour Tournament Returns
Finally, Capcom revealed the return of its Street Fighter 5 Capcom Pro Tour tournament series for 2021. The series takes place over several events that happen in various different states, regions, and countries, each for a $5,000 prize pool. During these events, players compete for points. Those with the most points go to the grand stage, Capcom Cup, where they play for the grand champion title.