Investigators, magnifying glasses at the ready; the old gods are back! That’s right, CMON Games have announced the first official spin off to Cthulu: Death May Die and it’s looking to have more tentacles than ever.
Officially announced at CMON Expo USA, Cthulu: Dark Providence looks to achieve two things in one title. The first is expanding the very enjoyable base game with new characters, mechanics and miniatures. As with the base game, players will find themselves working together to summon ancient beings that can finally put an end to the old ones. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds, as players on the opposing teams have been tasked with doing the bidding of the old ones, and they will not be stopped easily.
Dark Providence adds two new game modes to the series, along with some very well known characters from times long past. Along the way you’ll have the chance to meet people such as Nikola Tesla and Arnold Rothstein.
Secondly, Dark Providence will be breathing new life and dark blood into the classic board game A study in Emerald. A team based game that had players working with or against the rulings of the old gods to reach a certain outcome and win the game.
Unfortunately, there’s no official start date for the crowdfunding campaign, but knowing CMON we won’t have long to wait before we find out more. In the meantime, be sure to check back here for more news when we hear it.