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Collecting Beyond Combat Patrol: Orks



The Orks stands as a great tidal wave of Green, Brutal but Cunning, Cunning but Brutal, they thrive as one of the deadliest species in the Galaxy.

The Greenskins utilize an aggressive playstyle, hurling themselves quickly over the battlefield and dominating.

Before we go over the recommendations, we should explore what’s within the box and the strengths and Weaknesses of the units.
(Disclaimer: recommendations and descriptions are based on the index rules and stats, these are up for change and may not be within the datasheets of combat patrol)

What comes in the box:

The Beastboss stands as the warboss of the army leading the main horde of the combat patrol. Wielding a shoota, Beast snagga klaw and Beast Choppa. His ability amplifies that mob with the bonus to their hits rolls for their melee attack, which are powerful already. He also is a strong combatant with anti monster and Vehicle +4, gaining Devastating wounds on the charge means that it can be a threat to most units in play.

A mob of twenty Beast Snagga Boyz is the combat patrol’s battleline, these boyz are a powerful melee unit wielding Choppas and Sluggas with a power Snappa on the Nob that leads them. These Orks are particularly good against vehicles and Monsters with their unit ability, Monster Hunters and are slightly tougher with Feel no pain +6 on top of Toughness 5. The Choppa stands as an impressive stat line for something that isn’t set for such a role, especially when led by their leader.

A mob of four Squighog Boyz with Squigbomb ride into battle with Stikkas and saddlegit weapons, the Nob leading the squad wields a Big Choppa and Slugga. Acting as brutal cavalry, this squad sitting on toughness seven and has a feel no pain of 5+ with 3 wounds per model, making mega sturdy. Having a natural ten inch movement and the ability to ignore penalties to movement for advances and charges makes them great at covering the distance of the board and make big impact.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

This patrol’s main strength is the sturdy numbers that are on the table, most anti infantry weapons have a lower chance to wound the units of this army. And with their unit rules, they are great contenders for the objective markers.

Despite having some incredible melee power, the Weakness of this army lies in cohesion and initial ranged attacks. While benefiting from high toughness, as a faction, they do have a low armour average, meaning anything that does get will more often than not means lost models. Without cover, the Orks lose out on most ranged fronts with only an 18” range one weapon in the army.



Functioning as the main dedicated transport choice for the orks, the Ork trukk acts as a shelter and delivery system for your ork infantry, mitigating the main disadvantages for the orks. Wherever you utilise the Firing deck of twelve or the 12” movement to close the gap, this sturdy transport is great at keeping the army together.

Lootas Orks:

Carrying some of the Orkz’ heavier weapons, Lootas have the job of shooting for the army. Their weapons and unit rules make them good for targeting units sitting on objective that would normally need to take an extra turn for the battleline to reach. The Spanner of the squad can also take a special weapon for further anti tank.

Killa Kans:

A Mob of small walkers that can bring a presence to Ork formations, with a higher than normal shooting characteristic and variety of weapons to choose from, you can tailor is unit to your desired role before setting them to go after their target. Their Shooty Power trip ability can significantly augment the squad’s fire power. And they remain formidable melee warriors with three attacks that hit at strength eight for three damage which can pulverise most warriors in one go.

Mega Nobz:

Mega Nobz, (Insert humour here), are the heaviest armoured Infantry in the ork faction, toughness six, +2 save and three wounds it will take far more fire to take them down. Between the Killsaws or Power klaws, the Meganobz can break most deadlocks, once they’ve reached them.

Battlewagon Orks:

If the Trukk is the main transport, then the Battlewagon is the main battle tank, it can be equipped to the teeth, up to four shootas, a lobba, a main tank cannon and an orky number of melee weapons. On top of that the tank has a transport capacity of twenty two and a fire deck of eleven, this formidable wagon can make a powerful centrepiece.

In conclusion:

When looking to expand your waaagh, it is best to review what the potential of your boyz can really do and how to cover for weakness when getting into the thick of it.

We hope that these recommendations provide an understanding of what you can choose for your next steps on your warhammer Journey.

Collect, paint, and play! Get them Shiny teeth!